Thursday, September 24, 2009

An Induction into Tennis & Hill Training

It has been a couple of weeks since I last blogged. This month has been a different kind of running month. I am running much lesser than the previous months - and am doing that intentionally. I think I am going to end up clocking only around 100 KMs this month. But then, the focus has been to strengthen my legs. Hence, I am running only on 4 days of the week. I have been doing weights at the gym too.

However, the most important thing that I have done is to start playing tennis. This was a childhood dream for me coming true. I enrolled at the Mahesh Bhupathi Tennis Academy last week - and am enjoying it. Got myself a Babolat Aero Blast Racquet which is pretty cool!

I also started my hill training regime. I am hoping that all this will help me now in breaking the 2.30 barrier at the Delhi Half Marathon in November

Friday, September 11, 2009

Getting Ready for Delhi Half Marathon

After the Hyderabad run, I took it easy for a week. I ran only 8 KMs the whole of last week. This week, I have increased my mileage and am going to end it at around 35 KMs.

I am planning to reduce my mileage a bit, and focus more on improving my leg strength. This will imply 2 things for me-

1. Two days of leg strengthening exercises in the gym per week
2. Am going to start doing hill training - atleast 1 session of hill running in sets of 200 X 6 per week